Location | Phone No. |
Kailash Hospital, Sector 27, Noida | +(91)-(0120)-2444444 / 2466666 |
Kailash Hospital, Greater Noida | 09711918223 / +(91)-(0120)2327799 |
Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector 71, Noida | 0120-2222222 / 2484444 |
Understanding how diabetes causes hypertension is essential for effective management and prevention. Also explains the physiological connections between these conditions, providing valuable insights for patients seeking clarity and guidance.
Diabetics | Dr. Ashish Gupta
In this Q&A session, Dr. Gopal Jee Sharma, Sr. Consultant Physician at Kailash Hospital, Dehradun, answers frequently asked questions about taking medicine safely and correctly.
Health | Dr. Gopal Jee Sharma
Explores the best high-fiber foods for constipation relief, tailored for the Indian diet, with insights from Mrs. Durga Tak, Chief Dietitian at Kailash Hospital, Greater Noida.
Healthy Nutrition | Mrs. Durga Tak
This comprehensive guide will delve deeper into Dr. Singhal’s recommendations, helping you understand how to take charge of your orthopedic health.
Orthopedic | Dr. Akash Singhal
A Guide to the best winter immunity-boosting foods, including Indian options, and how to include them in your diet.
Health | Dt. Payal Dutt
Sleep is a fundamental pillar of health, but in today’s fast-paced world, it is often the first casualty of our busy schedules.
Heart Health | Dr. Irfan Yaqoob Bhat
Explores the vital role physiotherapy plays after knee surgery, the stages of rehabilitation, and the benefits it offers.
Physiotherapy | Dr. Varun Dawar
Explore deeper into the key benefits of choosing laparoscopic surgery over traditional methods and why more patients are opting for this modern approach.
Healthcare | Dr. G.P. Gupta
Can heart attacks strike during peaceful slumber? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, and understanding the reasons and preventive measures can help save lives.
Heart Health | Dr. Amit Handa
Discover the science behind these shifts, practical ways to manage their impact, and insights from Dr. Ashish Gupta, Consultant Endocrinologist at Kailash Hospital & Heart Institute, Noida.
Health | Dr. Ashish Gupta
Recognizing the difference between a minor discomfort and a potential red flag can make all the difference in ensuring timely and effective treatment.
Health | Dr. Gopal Jee Sharma
स्ट्रोक एक चिकित्सा आपात स्थिति है, जिसे तुरंत इलाज की आवश्यकता होती है। लेकिन क्या हो अगर शरीर मुख्य घटना के पहले हल्के संकेत दे रहा हो? स्ट्रोक के मूक चेतावनी संकेत अक्सर नजरअंदाज कर दिए जाते हैं, जबकि इन्हें पहचानकर जीवन बचाया जा सकता है।
Brain Health | डॉ. हेमन्त कुमार
Explores the symptoms, causes, and recovery aspects of a left-side stroke, along with treatment options for left side hemiplegia, shedding light on how early detection and proper medical care can improve outcomes.
Neurology | Dr. (Prof.) Kuljeet Anand
Explore the causes, remedies, and treatments for childhood constipation, along with tips on when to consult a pediatric gastroenterologist.
Child Care | Dr. Vidyut Bhatia
Explore how vitamin D deficiency contributes to knee pain, how to recognize the symptoms, and what steps you can take to restore optimal joint health.
Orthopedic | Dr. Sushil Kumar
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in young adults is a growing concern in India, contributing to 28% of all deaths. Among these, nearly 10% are attributed to SCD.
Heart Health | Dr. Amit Handa
In this article, we’ll discuss what to expect after robotic knee replacement surgery, how long it generally takes to walk post-surgery, and ways to optimize your recovery journey.
Orthopedic | Dr. Anuj Jain
Experiencing acid reflux or an overly acidic stomach can be frustrating, and unfortunately, many people struggle with this issue regularly.
Gastro Care | Dr. Saroj Dubey
Explore the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures of pneumonia in newborns & small children.
Child Care | Dr. Ankur Chawla
Explore the various causes of chest pain for the duration of walking, what they represent, and a way to prevent them.
Heart Health | Dr. Sujeet Narain
Explore the impact of loud noises and pollution from firecrackers during pregnancy and how to minimize these risks.
Gynae | Dr. Megha Tiwari
Early identification of signs and symptoms of breast cancer in women plays a major role in prognosis and the availability of treatment options.
Cancer | Dr. Akash Narain Gaind
In this article, we will discuss how to stop bleeding gums, what causes them, and effective treatment options.
Dental | Dr. Lokesh Bahadur Singh
In this article, we discover some important facts regarding heart failure signs in women, the variations in signs and symptoms among males and females, and the significance of recognizing them early.
Heart Health | Dr. Partha Prateem Choudhury
Struggling with cholesterol deposits under eyes and want to get rid of them – this article has got you covered.
Eye Problems | Dr. Himanshu Arora
This article addresses the why of a fetal echocardiogram and its importance, CVAHD as well how to proceeds for this test.
Fetal Medicine | Dr. Pratima Dash
This article examines why cystitis occurs in elderly women, what are its symptoms and ways to treat it or avoid recurrence.
Health | Dr. Rahul Tiwari
This extensive Q&A session will tell you everything you need to know about knee replacement surgery, whether it was suggested for yourself or if you are just curious.
Orthopedic | Dr. Rohit Singh
The outbreak of the previously known as monkey pox virus has been warned to become a global health emergency by WHO putting another public health crisis worldwide.
Health | Dr. Prabhat Kumar
Bed-wetting, medically known as nocturnal enuresis, is often associated with young children, but it can persist into adolescence, causing stress and embarrassment for teenagers and their families.
Child Care | Dr. Nehakumari V Pandey
Red spots in the eye, known as subconjunctival hemorrhages, can be alarming when they suddenly appear.
Eye Problems | Dr. Himanshu Arora
Understanding how to increase platelet count in dengue is essential for effective management of the disease.
Health | Dr. Manish Kumar Goel
If you're considering robotic knee surgery in India, Kailash Hospital offers state-of-the-art robotic knee replacement, combining the precision of robotics with the expertise of orthopedic surgeons.
Orthopedic | Dr. Sushil Sharma
Tooth decay, also known as cavities or caries, is a common dental issue that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.
Dental | Dr. Vidhi Dhakray Khanna
Explore the common causes of chest heaviness after eating, associated symptoms, and potential remedies.
Lung | Dr. Sudhir Kr. Gupta
Explore how stress can cause stomach pain and what can be done to manage and alleviate this discomfort.
Liver | Dr. Saroj Dubey
हाइपरटेंशन, जिसे उच्च रक्तचाप भी कहा जाता है, एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जो अक्सर बिना किसी स्पष्ट लक्षण के होती है। इस ब्लॉग में, हम हाइपरटेंशन के कारण, लक्षण, जोखिम कारक और इसके प्रबंधन के तरीकों पर चर्चा करेंगे।
Health | डॉ. अमित हांडा
धीरे-धीरे दुनिया धुंधली होती जा रही है? क्या आपको रात में गाड़ी चलाने में परेशानी होती है? या फिर आपको चमकदार रोशनी के आसपास चकाचौंध दिखाई देती है? ये सब आंखों में मोतियाबिंद के लक्षण हो सकते हैं।
Eye Problems | डॉ. उर्वशी गोजा
Constipation during pregnancy can be uncomfortable and distressing, but there are effective ways to manage it. Read this blog post to know more.
Gynae | Dr. Sanchita Biswas
When a blood clot develops in the arteries of the heart, it may obstruct blood flow to the heart partially or completely.
Heart Health | Dr. Rohit Rai
This article dives into the complexities of schizophrenia in adolescents, equipping you with knowledge to recognize signs, seek help, and navigate the path to support and recovery.
Mental Health | Dr. Mukesh Jha
Understanding the differences between Alzheimer's and Dementia empowers us to navigate this challenging terrain and seek the best possible care.
Neurology | Dr. Yavnika Jain
Becomes an important aspect of your overall health. If you want to take the best possible care of your skin in the summer, you need to tweak your routine a little.
Health | Dr. Anju Jha
This article will equip you with the knowledge to distinguish between a run-of-the-mill bloody nose and a cause for concern.
Child Care | Dr. Neeraj Chawla
Read this article to discover why do these bloody noses seem to coincide with the scorching summer months?
Health | Dr. Bhavya B.M
Discover effective strategies to control fasting blood sugar levels during pregnancy, with insights from Dr. Shikha Joshi, Consultant Gynecologist at Kailash Hospital, Greater Noida.
Gynae | Dr. Shikha Joshi
Individuals with diabetes or those managing blood sugar levels, navigating this period can be a balancing act.
Diabetics | Ms. Smita Jaiswal
A wave of relief and joy washes over the halls of Kailash Hospital, Greater Noida, as a premature baby overcomes a significant hurdle in its fight for life.
Child Care | Dr. Gaurav Agarwal
Explore effective strategies for preventing kidney stones and maintaining optimal kidney health.
Kidney | Dr. Prasad Vijay Dandekar
Let's explore the significance of this impending launch and how it is poised to revolutionize the knee replacement surgery landscape.
Orthopedic | Dr. Sushil Sharma
Anxiety is a common experience for children, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can interfere with their daily lives and overall well-being. Read this blog topic to discover how to handle anxiety in children.
Child Care | Dr. Megha Agarwal
Winter is also a time when respiratory diseases increase, making it harder to recognize if someone is having heart problems. Knowing the signs can help people get medical help quickly.
Heart Health | Dr. Amit Handa
The widespread administration of HPV vaccines holds the potential to significantly mitigate the prevalence of HPV-induced cervical cancers on a global scale.
Gynae | Dr. Neelam Benara
ग्लूकोमा एक ऐसी ही बिमारी है जिसका अगर समय रहते उपचार नहीं किया गया तो आपकी आँखों की रोशनी भी जा सकती है। ग्लूकोमा को ‘काला मोतिया’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
Eye Problems | डॉ. उर्वशी गोजा
Dr. Himanshu Arora, our esteemed eye specialist at Kailash Hospital, has provided expert answers to some common queries related to eye health. Delve into the world of ocular wellness and gain valuable insights for optimal eye care.
Eye Problems | Dr. Himanshu Arora
Mycoplasma pneumonia, a type of atypical pneumonia caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumonia, has been making a notable resurgence in recent years. This respiratory infection is characterized by its unique features, diagnostic challenges, and a tendency to cause community outbreaks.
Healthcare | Dr. Swapnil Shikha
Hip dysplasia is a common condition that affects infants, involving abnormal development of the hip joint. It can range from mild to severe and requires early detection and appropriate treatment for optimal outcomes.
Healthcare | Dr. Gaurav Agarwal
Malaria remains a significant global health concern, particularly in regions where the disease is prevalent. However, with the right knowledge and proactive prevention strategies, individuals can reduce their risk of contracting malaria
Healthcare | Admin
Peptic ulcers are a common and often misunderstood condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract. These painful sores can develop in the lining of the stomach, small intestine, or esophagus, and they can lead to various symptoms and complications if left untreated
Healthcare | Admin
Over the years, Kailash has established itself as a leader in the multi-specialty facility in hospital industry and has grown to be a popular choice for patients from around the globe seeking medical care. Our international patient care department delivers seamless services that are customized to meet patient's medical needs.
Yes, we do assist international patients on travelling from the airport to the hospital. . Based on the patient's preference, we either give an air-conditioned car or an ambulance.
Our international patient representative will assist you with each of your requirements. Our services include facilities like assistance in visa extension, money exchange, accommodation booking in nearby hotels or guest houses, local SIM cards, and FRRO registration with the Local Authority.
Yes, follow-up consultations are an integral part of our patient care. The medical team at Kailash Hospital schedules follow-up appointments as needed.
Kindly take a medical opinion prior to your travel & appointment with our Doctor